
Can Rabbits Eat Tomatoes?

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As we continue to explore food options for our bunnies, we want to take a look at tomatoes. Have you ever wondered if they are a good treat for your pet rabbits? Well here you are going to find out “Can rabbits eat tomatoes?” and all the associated questions that you may have regarding this unique fruit.

Can rabbits eat tomatoes?

Yes, they can. Tomatoes are a safe fruit option for rabbits. However, as we will discuss later, you just need to be careful when preparing the tomato for bunny consumption.

What type of tomatoes can rabbits eat safely?

All types of tomatoes are safe for rabbits to eat. We recommend that you be adventurous and offer your pet rabbit different types of tomatoes. You may find that your rabbit has a favourite. Several types of tomatoes exist. Way too many to mention here. However, we have put together a list of the more popular tomatoes that you can try introducing to your bunny:

  • Celebrities – A pretty firm tomato that usually weighs about half a pound.
  • Black cherry – A dark coloured cherry tomato. It is often the perfect serving size for bunnies.
  • Chocolate stripes– It can be identified by the brown stripes on the skin. These tomatoes are also quite sweet.
  • Brandywine – A tasty fleshy tomato.
  • Azoychka – This tomato is bright yellow in colour and has a citrus flavour that your bunny may find interesting.
  • Beefsteak– One of the largest tomatoes that you will ever come across. You and your bunny may be able to share.
  • Black Krim – A delicious blackish-purple tomato.
  • Blondkopfchen – The name means blond girl. It is a yellow cherry tomato with a pleasant flavour.
  • Amana Orange – A delicious tomato with a mild flavour.
  • Delicious -It is no surprise that these tomatoes taste great, that can grow to be about 2 pounds.
  • Dixie Golden Giant – These tomatoes are a real treat since they are sweet and generally have a fruity flavour that rabbits adore.
  • Cherokee purple – Average size tomatoes that have a purplish hue.
  • Better boy – A traditional tomato that is beautiful and fleshy.
  • Early girl – As the name suggests these tomatoes are ready for harvest earlier in the year.
  • Green Zebra – These tomatoes are known for their sour or tart flavour. They are not as sweet as their counterparts. As you know, you should manage your rabbit’s sugar content. As such Green Zebra tomatoes may be a healthy option for your bunny.

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Can rabbits eat tomato seeds?

No, rabbits should not eat tomato seeds, they are toxic and may be harmful to your rabbit’s health. However, if your rabbit swallows a tomato seed in error, do not panic. He may simply poop it out without causing any problems.

You should monitor your rabbit for the entire day if your rabbit has swallowed tomato seeds. If your rabbit loses his appetite or seems sluggish or lethargic, take him to your veterinarian right away.

Can rabbits eat tomatoes leaves?

Under no circumstances should you feed any green part of the tomato plant to your rabbit. It is extremely toxic. You should always remove the leaves and stems to keep your rabbit safe. You see the flowers, stem and leaves of the tomato plant contains solanine, an alkaloid chemical. This chemical when ingested by your rabbit produces tomatidine in the GI tract. This toxin can make your bunny very sick.

As such, if you grow tomatoes in your garden, you should make so that they are fenced around. So when you allow your rabbit time outside, he will not get into trouble.

What nutritional benefits will my pet rabbit get from tomatoes?

Tomatoes are loaded with nutrients that will have a positive impact on your rabbit’s health. Here are the tomato’s nutritional facts:

  • Vitamin A 16% – Boosts your rabbit’s immune system.
  • Vitamin C 22% – While tomatoes provide some vitamin C, rabbits do not need an external source. In fact, too much vitamin C can cause kidney damage in rabbits.
  • Calcium 1% – Even though it is a minute amount, it still strengthens your rabbit’s bones.
  • Vitamin K 14% – Essential for blood clotting and wound healing.
  • Iron 1%– Helps your rabbit’s blood transport oxygen throughout its body
  • Vitamin B-6 5% – Keeps your rabbit’s immune and nervous system healthy.
  • Magnesium 2% – Regulates your rabbit’s blood pressure and blood sugar.
  • Potassium 6% – Regulates your bunny’s nerve signals and body fluid balance.
  • Carbohydrate 1% -Provides energy, but as you can see it is a negligible amount.
  • Antioxidant lycopene – Promotes cell regeneration.
  • Folate 7-8% depending on the type of tomato – Promotes cell generation.
  • Sugar 3% – Provides energy.

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How should I feed my rabbit tomatoes?

Firstly, you should remember that fruit in a rabbit’s diet is a treat and should only be fed to rabbits in small amounts. Also, if you are feeding your rabbit tomato today, you should only feed her tomatoes. This way you do not exceed the fruit serving requirements for your rabbit.

You see your pet rabbit need lots of fibre in her diet. A bunny’s diet should look like this:

  • Hay – 80%
  • Vegetables, fruits and pellets (optional) – 20%

Your rabbit should also always have a supply of fresh clean water. It is imperative that you change it regularly. Sometimes your rabbit may taint his water while moving around his cage or hutch. You may want to invest in a water distributor that hangs on the side of the cage. That way your bunny water can remain cleaner for longer.

Fruits should only be offered in small amounts largely due to their sugar content. Too much sugar in a rabbit diet may lead to obesity.

When you decide to introduce tomatoes to your rabbit you follow these simple steps:

  • Step 1 – Wash your tomatoes thoroughly.
  • Step 2 – Remove stems and leaves from the tomatoes. As mentioned before these are toxic so they must be removed.
  • Step 3 – Slice tomatoes into small bite-size pieces and remove all the seeds.
  • Step 4 – Offer small pieces to your rabbit and observe.
  • Step 5 – Store the rest of the tomato in an air-tight container. It will be safe to use once refrigerated. The reason we recommend storage is because your rabbit should never be fed an entire tomato unless it’s a small cherry tomato.

Once your rabbit does not appear to have any digestive issues, you can experiment with different types of tomatoes. You can also incorporate tomato slivers with your rabbit’s hay to add a bit of flavour.

If your rabbit gets diarrhoea after eating the tomatoes, it may mean that his system is not tolerating it very well. If symptoms persist, take your rabbit to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

How many tomatoes should I feed my rabbit?

Moderation should be your approach when it comes to serving tomatoes to your rabbit. Ripe tomatoes have a relatively high sugar content and as such we recommend that you only feed your rabbit tomatoes 1 to 3 times a week. Never feed your rabbit more than a quarter cup of tomatoes in a day.

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What should I be mindful of before feeding tomatoes to my rabbit?

If you are considering introducing tomatoes, make sure that your tomato is safe for rabbit consumption. The following are some factors to consider before feeding your rabbit that tomato.

  • Pesticides – You should always wash your tomato thoroughly as mentioned above. This is very important since pesticides are often used on tomato plants. You see tomatoes often attracts several pests and need extra protection. However, pesticides can adversely affect your rabbit’s digestion.
  • Be on the lookout for parasites – Tomatoes are susceptible to worms. You need to inspect your tomatoes thoroughly before serving it to your pet rabbit.
  • Never serve overripe tomatoes – Overripe tomatoes are already on the turn. Feed your rabbit firm fresh tomatoes. Rotten fruit can give your rabbit diarrhoea and nausea.

Never give your rabbit processed tomatoes- This cannot be reiterated enough. Rabbits should only eat raw fruits and vegetables. Processed canned tomatoes have higher sugar content. They are also loaded with preservatives. These chemicals are not safe for rabbit consumption. If tomatoes are cooked, they become highly acidic which can also take a toll on your bunny’s digestive system.

Do rabbits like tomatoes?

Yes, they do! They especially love the sweet ones.

Can baby rabbits eat tomatoes?

You should not feed your baby rabbit fruit. Their digestive systems are not fully developed and cannot tolerate fruit as yet. If they are fed fruit too early, they may experience the following symptoms:

  • Watery diarrhoea/ or no faecal pellets
  • Loss of appetite
  • Lethargy.

So, you should hold off on fruit until your rabbit reaches about 4 months, just to be on the safe side. If you want focused information about how to care for baby rabbits, I wrote this related article called What to feed baby rabbits and another one called How to care for a rabbit nest.

Tomatoes are a viable fruit option for rabbits. However, always offer new fruit slowly and observe your rabbit for any adverse effects. All tomatoes can be consumed safely by rabbits. You can try different types to see which one is your rabbit’s favourite! Finding tasty treats for your rabbit can be exciting and fun.

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