
How Do Pet Rabbits Show Affection?

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If you are new to the world of pet rabbits you may not know that bunnies are very sociable by nature. Even though they are quiet, these extraordinary creatures are not stingy with their gestures of affection. You just need to know what to look for. Dogs and cats are showier with their affection and easier to read, pet rabbits have less obvious signs of affection. However, even though your rabbit has a quiet calm, you should never doubt the love he has for you! Once you and your rabbit settle into a comfortable relationship there will be no shortage of love and affection. You will also have no trouble recognizing that your rabbit sees you as a best friend.

How do rabbits show their affection?

Bunnies have a variety of gestures that they use to show you that they care. Here we will take an in-depth look at each one and tell you what each one means. It is important that you understand the subtle nuances of your rabbit. When you understand these behavioral cues, you will know what makes your rabbit happy.

  • Begging for Headrubs – Your pet rabbit may come to you, demanding that you rub his head! It is indeed a wonderful feeling when your bunny comes to you. This interaction may consist of your bunny nudging you with his head and then sitting back and waiting for you to pick up on his social cue. This action also means that your pet rabbit has claimed you as its human. It is a move that signals that he is the boss, but it also indicates that he accepts you as one of the herd or group. When you engage in this activity you and your bunny are showing each other that the affection is mutual.

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  • Nibbling – This is a social activity that bunnies do to each other. It is a part of their grooming routine. The nibbling is not painful, in fact, it is an extremely gentle activity. It is their way of showing that they care. Your pet rabbit may nibble your hair, your hands or your clothing. They see your clothing as part of you. This interaction also signifies that they want to interact and that they want your attention.
  • Licking – Yes, bunnies lick you! It is not an action that is usually associated with rabbits, but it is also a part of their grooming routine. If your bunny licks you, it means that you are in pretty good standing. He or she trusts you implicitly. Your bunny may lick you to also communicate that they would like to be petted and wants some affection for you. It is a good sign that your relationship with your rabbit is on solid ground.
  • Frolicking around your feet – Your rabbit may greet you when you enter a room by running around your feet. As with other pet animals, this means that your rabbit is happy to see you. It may also mean that he wants something. However, it is indeed one of the more extroverted ways that your pet rabbit may show its affection.
  • Lying down next to you – If your bunny is willing to lie down next to you, stretch out and show you its belly, you are in your pet rabbit inner circle. Your bunny is totally comfortable with you. It is a very strong sign of their trust. They feel very safe with you and know that they can relax in your company. This is a clear indication that they like you.
  • Binkying – This is a word that you would not be familiar with unless you have a rabbit. Binkying is the act when your rabbit hops into the air and flips its ears. This mannerism shows happiness, contentment, and feelings of security in the environment that you have created. This is one of your bunny’s more obvious signs of affection. If you have long hair, you can also imitate binkying by whipping your hair back and forth. This will communicate to your pet rabbit that you are having a good time as well.

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  • Tooth Clicking – This one might be easy to miss. It is a very soft clicking sound that your bunny may make with its teeth. This signals to you that your rabbit is pleased with you. If your rabbit is in your lap and you are petting her, you make hear the soft clicks. It means that your rabbit is extremely happy in your company and is probably just lapping up the moment.
  • Nuzzling – This is your rabbit’s equivalent of snuggling. They may put their noses against you and often remain cuddled up next to you. This is your rabbit being affectionate and often signaling to you that they want to be petted and spend some quality time. Even though pet rabbits may not be as showy with their affection. Let’s say like a pet dog. They are creatures that want that human connection since you are now the center of their world as their owner.
  • Lying down in front of you – If your bunny comes and just flops down in front of you, it means he is happy. He likes you and wants your company.
  • Climbing into your lap – This is a pretty obvious show of affection. Your pet rabbit has made it clear that he wants to spend time with you. During this time, you are being invited to pet your bunny. He may nuzzle you and sit with you for a prolonged period of time. This is certainly a wonderful way to spend some quality with your pet.

How can I bond with my pet rabbit?

The bonding process between bunny and rabbit owners is the gateway to a very loving, rewarding relationship. Of course, affection is a natural byproduct of this process. Before the bonding process can even begin you should create a comfortable living environment for your bunny. This is to say that your rabbit’s needs must be adequately met. There are a few simple steps that you can follow to bond with your bunny.

  • Let your bunny come to you – Remember, you are a stranger to your new pet rabbit and he needs to get used to you. He may not appreciate being handled. So you can encourage him to come to you with treats of small pieces of vegetables or fruit. Your bunny will slowly begin to trust you.

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  • Hold your rabbit properly – It may seem simple, but holding a bunny incorrectly can cause her discomfort and make her fearful. The key is to maintain a firm grip, you should be mindful not to squeeze her. Also, you should support the hind legs. If you hold your pet rabbit properly, you are signaling that they are safe with you and soon enough, they will enjoy your cuddle time and become affectionate.
  • Spend alone time with your rabbit – You should spend time with your rabbit just you and him. You can choose a quiet room where there are very few distractions. Here, you allow your rabbit to move around, have some treats on hand, you can place a few on the floor. Then, hold one out and see if your rabbit will come to retrieve it. The key is to be patient, just like any relationship, you cannot force your rabbit to be affectionate. The bonding process cannot be rushed.

How can I show affection to my bunny?

Once your rabbit is accustom to you and you have settled into a trusting relationship, there are numerous ways, you can convey your love and affection to your pet rabbit.

  • Gentle petting – Always remember never to pet a rabbit from behind, since this may scare her since she did not see you coming.
  • Kisses on the head – Kissing is not really a part of the rabbit repertoire. They do not kiss each other. However, you can teach them what this endearing gesture means. After grooming them, you can kiss them on the top of their head. Your rabbit will soon associate this with affection and reciprocate with affectionate gestures.

Play routine- Play with your rabbit regularly. It is also a good idea to provide your rabbit with enough toys. Bunnies love to play and are naturally curious. They love new objects to explore.

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How do rabbits show affection to each other?

  • Rubbing noses together – This is a gesture you will see pretty often if you have pet rabbits that get along.
  • Grooming – This process involves nibbling and licking. This is their way of taking care of each other. Once, it is settled who is boss, your rabbits may lapse into an easy-going relationship, where grooming is the order of the day.

So, from what we have explored you should now have a good idea of how pet rabbits show affection to their humans and their fellow rabbits. Bunnies usually settle into a mutually rewarding relationship with their pet owners. The key is to take your cues from your pet rabbit. You cannot rush bonding, but if you are patient, your bunny will reward you with its unique brand of affection. Only bunny owners know the true joy that a pet rabbit can bring.

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